Top 3 Reasons You Have a Toothache

Having a toothache can start as a dull ache that you can mostly ignore and gradually grow into an unbearable pain that just won’t stop. Most of the time it is when the pain is overwhelming that people seek dental care. However, it is best to see the dentist when the pain just begins.

There is always a reason for the toothache, however, there can be several different causes and each will require a different type of treatment or prevention. Nonetheless, there are three top reasons why you may have a toothache.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is the top reason for a toothache. Often a cavity is not painful until it has progressed to the point of exposing the nerve. That is why it is important to see your dentist regularly to keep an eye out for cavities and other signs of decay. Cavities that are caught early can be addressed with a filling and monitored.

If the cavity is left alone and not cared for then a root canal may be needed to handle the pain and decay.

You Lost a Filling

If you have had a cavity filled previously and have now started to experience a toothache in the same tooth, it is possible that you have lost a filling. It is also possible that the filling is old and has broken down. Either way, you will need to take a trip to the dentist to have the filling replaced. There are several different reasons you may lose a filling. Sticky foods, trauma to your mouth, or the age of the filling can all cause the filling to fall out or decay.

If you suspect your pain is from the loss of a filling then you need to have it checked as soon as you can to prevent further damage. Once the filling is replaced the pain should subside.

You Have an Abscess

Getting food stuck in your teeth or your gums can be annoying but it can be more than annoying. If the food stays stuck in your teeth or gums then it can trap bacteria and grow into an abscess. It can also create space and a pocket of air that can create pain. It will affect the root of the tooth or teeth causing pain and discomfort. If you suspect this might be happening then you will need to seek dental attention to address this. Once an abscess starts it is unlikely to resolve on its own.

The best way to deal with an abscess is to do your best to prevent it. Flossing every day and seeing your dentist for regular preventative care is the best way to do this.

If you are experiencing a toothache or are looking for a new dentist in the St. Augustine Florida area, call Dental Remedies to schedule an appointment today.

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