How to Protect Your Child’s Oral Health

Protecting your child’s oral health helps protect him or her from pain, damaged teeth, and a long list of potential problems down the road. As a parent, there are a number of things you can do to protect your child’s oral health right now. You can start by establishing a good oral care routine, making sure your child goes to routine dental appointments, provide healthy food options, and model good oral care. 

Establish a good oral care routine

You can get your child started on a good oral care routine from an early age. You can even go through the process of brushing before your child gets teeth (using a finger toothbrush designed for gums). This will help your child grow accustomed to the process of caring for his or her oral health twice per day. Then, when teeth do start coming in, the process continues but with a real toothbrush. Establishing a good oral care routine from the time your child is a baby will help proper oral care become a part of life that your child continues with into adulthood. Being intentional about this process is an important way for you to protect your child’s oral health. 

Go to routine dental appointments

Routine dental appointments are extremely important for your child’s oral health. It is during these appointments that the dentist examines your child’s teeth for signs of problems. There are many problems that can be prevented or dealt with easily if they are discovered early. In addition, your kids get their teeth cleaned at those routine dental appointments which can help prevent cavities and gum disease. Going to the routine dental appointments is part of a good oral care routine. Prioritizing these appointments during childhood will make it more likely that your child will continue to make them a priority in adulthood. 

Provide healthy food options

You can help protect your child’s oral health by providing healthy food options. A balanced diet that is full of nutrients is important for building strong teeth. There are some foods that can be harmful and make things like decay and discoloration more likely. Make sure that your child has access to healthy food options that will support physical and oral health. 

Model good oral care

Your child is watching what you do. You can help protect your child’s oral health by modeling good oral care. The things you say matter but the things you do matter even more. Let your child see you brush your teeth, floss, and go to routine dental visits. Seeing that you prioritize your own oral care may encourage your child to do the same. 

When your child is young, it is up to you to protect his or her oral health. Following the steps outlined above will keep his or her oral health on track. These steps can also help put your child on a path toward a lifetime of good oral health.

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