Just because something is common doesn’t mean it is normal. Dental problems can be painful, embarrassing, or both…there’s no need to suffer unnecessarily. If you are experiencing dental issues, it’s time to get help from a capable professional.
Discolored teeth can have a significant negative impact on your self-esteem, which can in turn have a negative impact on everything from relationships to socialization and the way you are perceived in the workplace. In-office teeth whitening is a great solution – under the care of a professional, your teeth can be whitened by up to ten shades in just sixty minutes.
Crooked teeth can impact your self-esteem and relationships in the same way tooth discoloration can. The remedy might not be as fast as a one-hour whitening treatment, but invisible braces are a great option for those looking to straighten their pearly whites. Forget rough metal brackets and talk to your dentist today about the possibility of using clear aligners to straighten your teeth.
A toothache warrants an immediate call to the dentist. Depending on the consistency and severity of the pain, it may even be considered a dental emergency. Schedule a visit with the dentist as soon as possible to have the cause of pain evaluated; catching a problem in the early stages will save you time, money, and potentially painful treatments in the future.
Chipped and cracked teeth are not just an eyesore…they can also affect your eating and be painful and irritating to the soft tissue of the cheeks and lips. Whether you choose esthetic bonding, porcelain crowns, or porcelain veneers, consult your dentist about the best option for your unique situation.
Even the most diligent brushers, flossers, and rinse-ers get the occasional cavity. Be sure to have your teeth cleaned and examined on a regular basis, and have cavities filled as soon as possible with porcelain fillings. Porcelain is much better for your teeth than the old metal fillings, as they don’t warp or change over time and create a natural-colored seal over the cavity.
It can be quite frustrating when food that should be delicious (like ice cream!) is painful to eat. There are many potential causes for sensitivity; a thorough evaluation by your dentist will allow them to determine what is causing the problem and how it can best be resolved.
Gingivitis is caused by a buildup of plaque below the gumline. Tenderness, redness, and gums that bleed easily may all be signs of gum disease. It’s important to consult with your dentist as soon as possible if you believe you have gingivitis – if left alone, this disease could cause bone loss and negatively affect your teeth, oral health, and overall health.
No matter how strict you are when it comes to oral hygiene, dental issues can still surface. Coffee stains teeth, teeth get chipped, that pint of ice cream might cause a cavity… but there is no need to suffer silently with common dental problems. Consult your dentist today for an evaluation and action plan to attack these issues head-on, so as to ensure you have strong, healthy teeth and gums. If you live in the St. Augustine area, contact Dental Remedies today for a new patient appointment.
Call 904-440-0200 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.