Emergency Dental Care in St. Augustine, FL

There is a misconception out there that there is never a dental emergency. Whatever happens will be okay until you can find time to get to the dentist. Unfortunately, there are many bad dental situations that get worse because of this thinking. Emergency dental situations do happen in St. Augustine, FL but many people don’t actually know how to recognize a dental emergency when it occurs.

How to Tell You Need Emergency Dental Care

There are a few signs of a dental emergency. It is imperative to know what they are so you can tell the difference between something that can wait and something that really shouldn’t wait. Use these symptoms as a prompt to, at the very least, call your dentist.

Your Jaw is Swollen

Anytime your jaw is swollen it is a good sign that you should head to the dentist immediately. There could be any number of reasons for the swelling and it is unlikely to be resolved without dental intervention.

A swollen jaw means there is an infection of some kind. Most often swelling in your jaw is a sign that you have an infected salivary gland. This is uncommon but serious when it does happen. Don’t ignore the symptoms, call your dentist.

You Have a Loose Tooth

Unless you are an elementary school child, you should not have any loose teeth. If you are an adult that is experiencing loose or wobbly teeth you need to see a dentist immediately. There are a few reasons this could happen, one of which is an injury to the tooth. If you experienced some type of traumatic event and now have a loose tooth it is imperative that you see a dentist immediately for a chance to save the tooth.

A loose tooth can also be caused by a localized infection that only affects that tooth. Either way, the tooth needs to be addressed.

There is Bleeding That Won’t Stop

If you have any type of bleeding that won’t stop, it is a dental emergency. You will need the help of a dental professional to make sure there is no lasting damage and to control the bleeding. Blood loss can become serious quickly so don’t avoid calling your dentist.

You Have an Abscess

An abscess is not going to correct itself. This is a pocket of overgrown bacteria that needs to be cleaned out and treated with antibiotics. The longer you wait to see a dentist for emergency treatments, the longer the bacteria will grow and create a larger problem.

You Have Severe Pain

Severe and unrelenting pain constitutes a dental emergency. Pain is caused by something and the longer the cause of the pain remains unfound and untreated, the more pain you will be in. If you find yourself in need of emergency dental services in St. Augustine, FL, Dental Remedies is available to take care of all of your dental emergencies. Call today for your appointment.

We can’t wait to meet you

Call 904-440-0200 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.