Determine Which Cosmetic Dental Procedure is Right for You

Cosmetic dentistry has a lot to offer. It can be used to treat a wide range of issues. Many people can benefit from one or more cosmetic dental procedures. If you are experiencing issues with your teeth – or simply do not like the way they look – there is likely a cosmetic procedure that can help. A few simple questions will help you get an idea of which cosmetic dental procedure is right for you. You can then talk to your dentist about options.

Do you want whiter teeth?

If you want to get whiter teeth, cosmetic dentistry can help. There are a few different options for getting whiter teeth. The right cosmetic procedure for you depends on the source of your discoloration. If your teeth are discolored because of surface stains then in-office whitening is a great choice for you. You can whiten your teeth up to ten shades in as little as an hour with in-office whitening. If the discoloration of your teeth goes below the surface you will need to consider cosmetic procedures that cover the surface of your teeth. Porcelain veneers and porcelain crowns can both cover discoloration that goes below the surface.

Do you have teeth that are damaged?

Cosmetic dentistry offers a number of procedures that can repair damaged teeth. Chips, cracks, and even decay can be dealt with using cosmetic dentistry. Porcelain veneers, crowns, and esthetic bonding are all options that can fix a wide range of damage to your teeth. If you have damage on one or more teeth – cosmetic dentistry has options that can help.

Are you missing teeth?

Living with missing teeth can cause a lot of problems. It can make you feel self-conscious about your smile and lead to serious issues like bone loss and difficulty eating. Fortunately, you do not need to continue living with missing teeth because cosmetic dentistry provides options. Dental implants are a permanent option for tooth replacement. A post is placed into the bone of your jaw and the artificial tooth sits at the gumline. Over time, the post and your bone fuse together to create a replacement for the root you lost when you lost the tooth. You can treat a dental implant in the same way you treat your natural teeth. Dental implants can be considered both restorative and cosmetic because they restore function and impact the look of your smile.

Do you have old dental work you want replaced?

If you have old dental work you want replaced then the cosmetic procedure of esthetic bonding may be the right option for you. Esthetic bonding can be used to replace the dark fillings from your past with tooth-colored composite. In some situations, esthetic bonding can also be used to fix other issues such a discoloration or dental disfigurements instead of turning to veneers or crowns.

It is possible to get a smile that you are proud to show off – even if you think it needs a lot of work. Cosmetic dentistry provides a wide array of options for repairing damage and improving aesthetics. It is a good idea to become familiar with the options for cosmetic dentistry. The final decision of which options will work best in your situation will be made in conjunction with your dentist.

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